Ninja Games Online - Shuriken Challenge
Many readers may already be familiar with the ongoing fascination for ninja games online. These flash multimedia applications aim to entertain players by offering animations in the form of ninja characters with a setting in medieval Japan. These kinds of games cover a large scope, from easy to learn simple platforms, to sophisticated flash applications with a myriad of options and control sets. Although most offer the player a chance to set the desired difficulty level in order to make it more enjoyable for most people.
The online ninja game Shuriken Challenge, most likely follows a more rudimentary approach to the theme. The game begins with a simple splash screen giving the player all the instructions he needs to begin the game. There are little to no instructions to learn, and no lengthy story line to follow. This online ninja game narrows down to simple mouse movements to move the ninja character around the screen, and a mouse click to shoot the shuriken. Shurikens are star shaped pieces of metal that the ninja uses to throw at his opponents. This game relies on this traditional method of attack for the plot behind the game.
Once the player clicks to begin he will be immediately find himself in the battlefield. The application scrolls down automatically, forcing the ninja character to move forward at all times. The object of the game is to eliminate as many enemies as possible, called ranx, without ever coming in contact with them. But this online ninja game is not without its difficulties. There is a floating fireball which will seek out our hero and drain his energy every time he comes in contact with it. The ninja character must avoid this annoying fire pest at all times. Every time you kill a ranx with the shuriken you will gain bonus points towards the next level. Levels in this game are depicted in the form of belts. A system used by martial art fighters to determine their skill level. You start off as a white belt, which is the first level, and work your way up from there.
As many game developers have been able to verify through the creation of free flash games, simplicity is a good thing, which carries a great amount of appeal, especially with younger audiences. Shuriken Challenge certainly follows this pattern, as an online free ninja game everyone can play and enjoy. There are no violent scenes, blood spills or foul language to worry about. Thus, kids can be left unmonitored playing this ninja game for hours. Sounds and graphics are colorful and enticing to the young fans, plus they load up quickly. An easy to follow game plot, fast loading graphics and easy set of controls makes an excellent formula for a great game.
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